Thursday, April 19, 2012

7 Surprising Facts About Mobile Shoppers

7 Surprising Facts About Mobile Shoppers:

Jinal Shah is a digital strategist at JWT in New York. Before joining JWT, Jinal worked at Advanta, where she created, the very first social network launched by a financial services company.
As we all know, the spike in smartphone adoption is changing the way users interact with their mobile devices. For instance, phone calls are no longer the point of phones for many of us.
Instead, we expect our phones to perform more complicated tasks in shorter amounts of time, and we take them with us wherever we go. People also treat the smartphone as a first screen, rather than a second screen, because it’s the go-to device to instantly source real-time information like directions, prices, and reviews.
In fact, most people look at their phone about 150 times a day, (that’s roughly once every 6.5 minutes), according to Qualcomm CEO, Paul Jacobs. Those glances are to check incoming e-mail and text messages, but mobile web browsing is exploding as well. This begs the question: what about mobile shopping?
These days, consumers are indeed using their smartphones to bridge the gap between brick-and-mortar stores and ecommerce. IBM reported that Black Friday sales were up 24.3% in 2011 and attributed some of these gains to mobile device purchases, which “surged to 9.8% from 3.2%,” compared to the same time last year.
In an effort to learn more about who these mobile shoppers are, we conducted a quantitative study, zeroing in on adults (we define adults as anyone 18 years old and above) who used a smartphone or tablet to shop during the holiday season. What we found is that consumers are constantly integrating their smartphones into their shopping routines all year round. Below, are seven other interesting facts about how this plays out.

1. Mobile Shopping Doesn’t Equal Mobile Purchasing

While browsing is up, mobile shoppers aren’t necessarily using their phones to complete the purchase cycle. In fact, of all the activities for which shoppers use their phones, purchasing is one of the least popular, with price comparison ranking the highest. Mobile shoppers overwhelmingly cite security concerns as the top reason for not completing purchases with their phones.

2. Men Are More Likely To Consult Their Phone

One thing is clear, men are more likely to use mobile devices as in-store companions for all types of shopping activities, from price comparisons to gathering information for a purchase. Men are also more apt to use their mobile phones for shopping outside of traditional retail settings.

3. Mobile Devices Often Trump Computers

The majority of mobile shopping is done in locations where computers are more readily accessible, such as at home and work. Part of this may be because some employees prefer to do personal browsing and web shopping on a mobile device rather than a computer attached to a corporate network.

4. Mobile Phones Hardly Impact Shopping Habits

Most mobile purchasers say they would buy all or some of the same items, whether or not they were shopping on a mobile device. So while mobile purchasing trends don’t have a huge impact on goods, bought or sold, they do establish a new commerce channel with a potentially different purchase funnel.

5. The Mobile Experience is Good

Of those who shop on their mobile device, 69% believe the experience is either “excellent” or “very good.” Most consider it a convenience to use a mobile device rather than wait in line.

6. But It Still Needs Some Work

Despite the convenience factor of mobile phones, there is plenty of room for improvement, particularly in the user experience of the commerce sites themselves. Most mobile users were dissatisfied with the difficulty of navigating mobile shopping sites, lack of product information on those sites, and the need for better mobile shopping apps. It appears that one of the biggest consumer obstacles — perception of mobile web security — also needs to be addressed more fully before a broader swath of consumers feels comfortable entering credit card info via their smartphones.

7. Touchscreens Are Preferred

We are witnessing a new user behavior that is being driven largely by adoption of tablets and touchscreen phones. These offer an easier web-browsing experience that turns an purchase into what it should be: a natural, no-fuss, alternative that allows for greater convenience.
Kyle Monson, JWT’s content strategy director, contributed to this article.
Image courtesy ofiStock, _bilge
More About: contributor, features, mobile shopping, mobile technology

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Bagaimana Cara Memilih Nama Bisnis

Bagaimana Cara Memilih Nama Bisnis:
bagaimana cara memilih nama bisnisAnda hendak mulai usaha? Pasti kemudian anda mencari nama bisnis bagi usaha anda tersebut. Nama, apalagi untuk kepentingan bisnis, amatlah penting. Sebab dengan nama itu konsumen mengenal bisnis anda. Nama itu juga yang mewakili usaha anda. Serta juga yang membedakan bisnis anda dengan yang lain.
Seperti cara memilih nama domain atau nama blog anda, memberi nama bisnis bagi usaha anda juga ada caranya.
Nah, bagaimana caranya memilih nama bisnis?
Ada beberapa rumusan dasar cara pembuatan nama bisnis. Berikut ini beberapa di antaranya:
  • Mudah diingat
  • Mudah diucapkan
  • Menggambarkan usaha atau bisnis yang anda jalankan
  • Berbeda dengan yang lain

Lalu dari mana inspirasi atau ide nama bisnis itu datang?

Ide nama bisnis bisa datang dari banyak sumber. Misalnya
  • Dari nama suatu tempat. Seperti perusahaan Adobe yang diberi nama pendirinya John Warnock dari sungai bernama “Adobe Creek” yang berada di belakang rumahnya. Atau perusahaan telekomunikasi Cisco yang diambil dari nama kota San Fransisco. Seperti juga Nokia, produsen handphone yang mengambil nama mereknya dari nama kota tempat pabriknya berada.
  • Dari nama mitologi. Seperti produsen alat olahraga Nike yang namanya berasal dari dewi kemenangan Yunani. Atau nama peruhsaan elektronik Asus yang berasal dari kata Pegasus, kuda terbang dalam mitologi Yunani.
  • Dari nama hewan. Seperti merk Reebok yang berasal dari nama rhebok, antelope di Afrika.
  • Dari nama buah. Seperti Apple Computer yang diberi nama oleh Steve Jobs saat sedang makan apel.
  • Dari singkatan. Seperti nama Maspion yang berasal dari singkatan “Mengajak Anda Selalu Percaya Industri Olahan Nasional”. Atau Skype yang berasal dari “Sky-Peer-to-Peer”. Dan Benq dari “Bringing Enjoyment and Quality to life” serta Microsoft yang berasal dari “MICROcomputer SOFTware”.
  • Dari bahasa setempat. Seperti Sanyo yang dalam bahasa Jepang berarti “tiga lautan”. Atau Samsung yang dalam Korea berarti “bintang tiga”.
  • Dari nama orang. Seperti Casio yang berasal dari nama pendirinya, Kashio Tadao.
Bagaimana sekarang? Ada gambaran hendak memberi nama bisnis apa untuk usaha anda?
Oh ya, nama bisnis ini erat juga kaitannya dengan logo bisnis. Karena itu, nama dan logo bisnis anda hendaknya saling berkait agar mempermudah orang mengingat nama bisnis anda. Harapannya, merek anda kemudian menjadi top of mind di benak konsumen.

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