Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Jeremy Lin Lesson: Find Your Talent before You Accidently Let Them Go

The Jeremy Lin Lesson: Find Your Talent before You Accidently Let Them Go: Recognize This! – Every organization has critical, but hidden talent. Finding and utilizing them creates significant competitive advantage.
The U.S. sports world has been abuzz with “Linsanity” – hype about the excellent performance of Jeremy Lin, an NBA-league basketball player who came off the bench and immediately displayed stunning numbers.

Regular readers of my blog are likely asking, “Derek follows U.S. basketball?” No, not really. But I do follow research out of Cornerstone and Jaso...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Jeremy Lin, women in VC, and the bigotry of pattern matching

Jeremy Lin, women in VC, and the bigotry of pattern matching:

Jeremy Lin is the talk of the NBA. Sportswriters everywhere are busy cranking out column inches on what people have called the ultimate Cinderella story: The emergence of an Asian-American Harvard graduate, seemingly from nowhere, as one of the NBA’s biggest stars.

On February 3, Jeremy Lin was the Knicks’ third-string point guard. Less than two weeks later,Sports Illustrated announced that they would put him on the cover of the February 20 issue with the caption, “Against All Odds.”

Yet one group wasn’t surprised by Lin’s success. A new breed of basketball statheads (the hoop equivalent of the SABRmetricians popularized in “Moneyball“) had predicted Lin’s success from the start.

Prior to the 2010 draft (where all 30 NBA teams passed on Lin) their analysis ranked Lin #10 out of all players, and #1 among undrafted players. This analysis is purely statistical; the models don’t consider height, vertical leap, foot speed, and perhaps most importantly, skin color. They simply look at statistical contributions made during basketball games.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Top 6 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid

Top 6 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid:
When filling a top leadership slot, these are the blunders you don't want to make.
In hiring for a top leadership position, you can make costly errors by either incorrectly diagnosing the situation, letting red herrings or other so-called rules get in the way of choosing the right person, or failing to set and follow a rigorous disciplined process. Here's a look at the six top pitfalls to recognize and avoid.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

6 Ways to Overcome Stress and Reach Success

Difficult to CureImage via Wikipedia6 Ways to Overcome Stress and Reach Success: From Karlee Weinmann:
First she was a lawyer. Then she went back to school to be a therapist. And now, Nancy Linnerooth has made a few adjustments to finally settle into a career that leaves her happy and inspired.

Linnerooth is a business and career coach with a special expertise in helping entrepreneurs and independent professionals blast through the obstacles blocking their success. It's all about helping already-well people improve themselves by learning how to stay on track, and hurdle over the inevitable stumbling blocks.

9 Hot Facebook-Marketing Tips for Small Business : AMEX

PALO ALTO, CA - JULY 06:  Facebook CEO Mark Zu...Image by Getty Images via @daylife9 Hot Facebook-Marketing Tips for Small Business : AMEX: Social media and marketing….. FaceBook how-to tips for small business and small budgets. Excerpt……Whether your brand is fully established or just starting out, launching a marketing campaign can seem overwhelming. But, several small and simple things give your brand a start … Continue reading →
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Monday, February 13, 2012

7 Tips on Writing a Great Press Release

Deutsch: Dicke FilzstifteImage via Wikipedia7 Tips on Writing a Great Press Release: “The pen is mightier than the sword” - Edward Bulwer-Lyntton - Although the pen is not as mighty as before due to the fact today that news travel the fastest and in real time by anybody through social media and the … Continue reading →
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Social Media Now More Popular Than Porn

An example of the share buttons common to many...Image via WikipediaSocial Media Now More Popular Than Porn: Euro RSCG Worldwide's annual Valentine's Day survey explores the impact
of social networking on romantic relationships and uncovers significant
differences in the sex lives and desires of Americans based on politics
and social media preferences....
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Friday, February 10, 2012

Marketing Lessons Learned

market 1market 1 (Photo credit: tim caynes)Marketing Lessons Learned:

Hungry for some good news? Looking for inspiration? Curious to see what your colleagues are up to? MarketingSherpa has collected the marketing lessons learned by 70-odd marketers in all fields of marketing: email, social, online, technology. Sharing their best insights from 2011 in an economic climate that was challenging at times, the marketers featuring in this report have some interesting things to say.

We’ve seen such dramatic results from simple remarketing campaigns; I believe it will be a standard practice within every paid search campaign in 2012. It’s never been a better time to do so. Once a costly marketing

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

6 Ways To Get More B2B Leads From Social Media

6 Ways To Get More B2B Leads From Social Media: Sales source tools……. make social media work for you. Excerpt…..Social media wins as lead generation tool because not only does it help drive revenue, but educates perspective customer in the process. The type of education provided by effective blog posts … Continue reading →
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5 Ideas to Help Small Businesses Cut Costs

5 Ideas to Help Small Businesses Cut Costs: As a small business owner seeking to establish your business and possibly swimming against the tide in tough times, cost cutting might be the thing you need. However, cutting costs... Read more »

Monday, February 6, 2012

IMF: krisis Eropa dapat pangkas separuh pertumbuhan China

IMF: krisis Eropa dapat pangkas separuh pertumbuhan China: Sebuah eskalasi krisis utang Eropa dapat memangkas separuh pertumbuhan ekonomi China tahun ini, Dana Moneter Internasional mengatakan Senin, mendesak Beijing mempersiapkan langkah-langkah stimulus untuk mengatasinya.

The Basic Formula for Business Success

The Basic Formula for Business Success: Long time ago, probably in the early 90s I saw a magazine ad for Lotus (I believe) which had a central message designed to make small business owners feel empowered. The headline read: Give Customers What they Want, Make Money, Repeat Since, it stuck in my mind because of its simplicity and power. I am [...]

12 Most Effective Ways to Engage on Twitter

12 Most Effective Ways to Engage on Twitter: From Ekaterina Walter:
Even though Facebook tends to dominate social web, Twitter is an important tool for social sharing and for building your own community. Twitter is an ideal tool to use to stay informed and to drive traffic to social properties. Most importantly, it helps you build relationships with like-minded people.

Below are tips that enable you to increase engagement with your communities on Twitter.