Monday, January 30, 2012

Five Tips on How to Start a Successful Online Business

Five Tips on How to Start a Successful Online Business: This site gives you tips about how to start successful online business. These tips are helpful for beginners as well as experts.

2 Ideas to Boost Employee Engagement with Content Marketing

2 Ideas to Boost Employee Engagement with Content Marketing: How to Increase Customer Engagement through Employee Engagement with Content Marketing I often write about tips to improve customer engagement with content marketing; however, last week I started to think a little about employee engagement. Employee engagement is arguably just as important because it is your employee’s responsibility to contribute to your overall corporate content [...]

5 Tips that will help you Leave the Career Plateau

5 Tips that will help you Leave the Career Plateau: What is a Career Plateau? A career plateau is the point in your career where / when you do not feel any additional upward mobility because there are fewer positions which are either not open or there are more people vying for it. Other reasons could be absence of challenging and satisfying work, or de-motivation due to unfulfilled career [...]

4 Reasons to Love the Boss You Hate

4 Reasons to Love the Boss You Hate: I’m not a big fan of the word “hate” but let me be honest: I’ve definitely felt some very, VERY strong negativity toward a few of my superiors in the past. Hey, I’m only human. This is probably one of the most common challenges I hear from professionals. Working for someone you don’t like is...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

8 Key Elements Make Your Business Transformative

8 Key Elements Make Your Business Transformative: Every entrepreneur has an idea for transforming a market with innovative new technology, or transforming society with a new process. But unfortunately, most of these ideas fail at the execution level, or are not truly innovative. Entrepreneurs who have been really transformative, like Steve Jobs and Walt Disney, seemed to know how to deal with all the right elements.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Learn The Benefits of Working Online

English: Working from Home An odd place to com...Image via WikipediaLearn The Benefits of Working Online: Would you like to leave your regular 9 to 5 job for an online career? There are hundreds of men and women who are now reaping online career benefits as well as having a flexible online jobs working at home. Of course, nothing secures a person better than a regular pay check but there are [...]
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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Solar Storms And 13 Other Unusual Risks That Should Have You Freaking Out This Year

Solar Storms And 13 Other Unusual Risks That Should Have You Freaking Out This Year:

sun solar flair nasa
Risk management is a part of our everyday lives. Everyone knows to look both ways before crossing the street. Most also know to diversify their investment portfolios to limit the impact of a stock market crash.

But, what about the less obvious risks?

On Monday morning, a solar flare erupted sending large amounts of radiation to earth. Flares have the effect of disrupting satellite communication and causing radio interference. This recent flare forced some airplanes to adjust their flight plans.

The World Economic Forum recently published its list of 50 Global Risks of 2012. This list includes many well-known risks like fiscal imbalances, carbon emissions, and income disparity.

But it also includes unusual ones like solar flares.

3 Keys to Startup Success: Hustle, Follow-Through and Curiosity

MADRID, SPAIN - SEPTEMBER 14:  King Juan Carlo...Image by Getty Images via @daylife3 Keys to Startup Success: Hustle, Follow-Through and Curiosity: A friend and I started Modify Watches last year when I was 28. I had just finished my MBA, and in the past had spent four years with Deloitte Consulting, a management consulting firm. I started in the company?s New York office after finishing my undergraduate studies and moved to London with the firm to specialize in their operations and finance practice. So, the new start-up should be easy, right? I mean, I had an incredible amount of ?skills? to go with a graduate degree and worldly experience.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012

2012 Personal Plan - Step 20 - Choose Your Best Strategies for 2012

2012 Personal Plan - Step 20 - Choose Your Best Strategies for 2012: Day 20 of 31 days to Creating Your Inspiring Personal Plan for 2012 Congratulations, you are coming into the home stretch of this 31 day/step process for building a personal plan that will accelerate your success in 2012. I am...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

33 Excuses for Not Blogging About Your Business

33 Excuses for Not Blogging About Your Business: You're looking for an excuse not to blog. Everyone is telling you that you need a blog but you just really don't want to… And you're an adult so you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do.

16 Vote(s)

Top Ten Questions to Consider when Incorporating

Top Ten Questions to Consider when Incorporating: Ready to take your sole proprietorship or small business to the next level? Forming an LLC or an S corp may be the way to go.
To follow are ten questions to help you determine if either of these options is the right choice. Keep in mind that there are other formation options, including Nonprofit [...]

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How to Use Email to Transform Leads Into Sales

How to Use Email to Transform Leads Into Sales:
Let's start with some common sense: don't spam your leads. Lead nurturing is a powerful tool for driving leads further down your funnel and delivering more qualified leads to your sales team. The grand, utopian vision of lead nurturing is that you can take a large group of early-stage leads, send them a series of deeper funnel offers, and separate the sales-ready leads from the tire kickers without wasting valuable man hours.

The reality, more often than not, is that marketers misuse lead nurturing to unintentionally spam their leads or drive them out of the sales funnel entirely. So let's examine how you can create an effective lead nurturing email flow that engages your leads and pushes them closer to a purchasing decision.

How To Manage Workplace Conflict

How To Manage Workplace Conflict: We’ve all had a boss that pushed our buttons or a coworker or two that made us go bananas, but except in dire situations most of us refrain from letting our workplace conflicts escalate into full blown crises. Which is a good thing, because when people expose too many of their emotions at work, especially [...]

22 Ways To Build An Emergency Fund

22 Ways To Build An Emergency Fund:

22 Ways To Build An Emergency Fund is a post originally published on: Everything Finance - Everything Finance - A Good Personal Finance Blog - Its all about Money!

Get a free mortgage quote!

Content Marketing and the War of Attrition

Content Marketing and the War of Attrition:

There are a lot of reasons why content marketing doesn’t work for some companies.. . . more

The original post is titled Content Marketing and the War of Attrition , and it came from The Content Marketing Revolution .

"Prospek 18 Instrumen Investasi 2012" Tabloid Edisi Khusus KONTAN Januari 2012,...

"Prospek 18 Instrumen Investasi 2012" Tabloid Edisi Khusus KONTAN Januari 2012,...: "Prospek 18 Instrumen Investasi 2012" Tabloid Edisi Khusus KONTAN Januari 2012, Info Berlanggan: 021 536 53 100 /

Monday, January 16, 2012

5 quick and easy tips for job hunters

5 quick and easy tips for job hunters: 5 quick and easy tips for job hunters
Let me start by saying it is not quick or easy to find a new...

Friday, January 6, 2012

218 Ways to Make Your Online Marketing Rule in 2012

218 Ways to Make Your Online Marketing Rule in 2012: Bandwagon time!!! To get in line with what everyone else is doing, we scoured the Web to gather 218 of the best nuggets of online marketing wisdom to kick 2012 off in style.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

5 Predictions for Online Data in 2012

5 Predictions for Online Data in 2012:

Josh Jones-Dilworth is the founder and CEO of Jones-Dilworth, Inc., a public relations consultancy focused on bringing early-stage technologies to market.

In the spirit of the new year, I’ve determined my online data predictions for 2012. And because I’m attempting to make this an annual experiment, let’s begin my looking back at how my 2011 predictions shook out.

1. Personal data management matures into an industry. I’ll admit the prediction was largely a fail. Ambitious startups like Singly + The Locker Project got off the ground, but did not pick up steam. Many new, related startups are in the works, but none have even come close to the goal of managing one’s data the way he manages his health or wealth, for instance. An end-to-end platform may emerge, but it will take time.

The Future Of Gaming

The Future Of Gaming:

The Future Of Gaming report presents key trends emerging within the gaming space that brands, non-profits and communities can leverage to build engagement and motivate their target audience towards achieving a desired goal or outcome. It is designed to inspire anyone tasked with creating compelling user experiences, whether that be on a digital screen, in the real world or somewhere in between.

When Should You Send Email Newsletters, Blog Posts and Postcards

When Should You Send Email Newsletters, Blog Posts and Postcards: When should you send email newsletters, blog posts or postcards? There are going to be some common sense tips here but my biggest tip is “when you can!” I have been in marketing A LONG TIME and conventional wisdom gives us times that are set in stone for sending things out but I want to [...]
Related posts:

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5 Questions to Ask Before Starting Your Own Business

5 Questions to Ask Before Starting Your Own Business: From Ramon Ray:
I just read Carol Roth's The Entrepreneur Equation. Every budding entrepreneur should read this book before throwing away the 9-to-5 (or 9-to-9) job and working for themselves.
Carol's 280-plus page book clearly lays out what it takes to be an entrepreneur. It asks the tough questions you should ask yourself before you decide if being an entrepreneur is for you. The book helps you answer these five basic questions.
  • What is your motivation?
  • Is this the right time?
  • Do you have the right personality?
  • What is the business opportunity?
  • Have you assessed the risks and rewards?

The Dismal Outlook for 2012

The Dismal Outlook for 2012:
The Dismal Outlook for 2012
Peter T. Treadway
January 1, 2012
“Dismal” is the only word I can think of to describe the economic and political outlook for the coming year. Deep recession seems almost unavoidable for Europe. Governments in all the so-called advanced countries face mounting debt and long term unfunded entitlement liabilities, huge banking problems and negative long term demographic trends. Governments’ response will be to pillory the so-called “rich” as much as possible, levy higher taxes in a variety of ways, enact various measures of financial repression, pile on more and more regulations, print more money and ultimately continue the default process that began with Iceland and Greece. The only “good” that comes out of this will be an increased reluctance to engage in ill-advised wars (I’ll let the reader decide which recent wars were ill-advised) simply because governments can’t afford them.
The Euro – I’ve been a big fan of the euro. The world needs the euro as a second reserve currency after the dollar. The renminbi just isn’t yet ready for prime time. And the euro makes so much sense for an ever more economically and financially integrated Europe. But the Europeans have managed to do everything wrong in response to the crisis. The list goes on and on. My recommendation was to let each nation be responsible for its own fiscal integrity. National defaults should be accepted as defaults by states and provinces were accepted for the US and Canada. That’s not what the Europeans have done. German Chancellor Merkel’s attempt to force fiscal responsibility on member states is a political nonstarter. The European Central Bank (ECB), regardless of what it says, is printing money to tidy over the Italian and Spanish huge 2012 borrowing needs. Talk German, act Italian, is the ECB mantra. The plan to do three year repos with the banks so that they can buy their home country’s bonds is a cynical repudiation of bank risk management principles, a debauching of the euro itself and to some extent a protectionist scheme that will encourage a sort of “beggar thy neighbor” approach to banking where banks only loan to their own governments. The banks need capital, not high risk lending schemes. Credit is going to be scarce in Europe in 2012.

The 10 Biggest Risks The World Is Facing In 2012

The 10 Biggest Risks The World Is Facing In 2012:

astronomy earth meteor asteroid
Major obstacles await investors in the year ahead, with "political risks dominat[ing] global headlines in a way we’ve not experienced in decades," according to Eurasia Group's President Ian Bremmer and Head of Research David Gordon.

And with the news media jumping to discuss the effects of every headline, they write in a report out this morning, the biggest challenge for investors will be determining which risks are relevant and which are not.

They spell out the ten big issues you should be watching for this year—and the four you should probably ignore.

#10 Venezuela: A No-Win Election

OUTLOOK EKONOMI: Isu Politik dan hukum akan warnai perekonomian RI 2012

OUTLOOK EKONOMI: Isu Politik dan hukum akan warnai perekonomian RI 2012: Small_gedung__7_
SEMARANG: Perekonomian Indonesia pada tahun depan diperkirakan akan lebih dipengaruhi oleh aspek politik dan hukum, dinamika ekonomi eksternal, dan sosial. Head of Chief Economist PT BNI Ryan Kiryanto mengatakan progres perekonomian Indonesia pada tahun depan akan dipengaruhi oleh tiga faktor yaitu keberhasilan reformasi birokrasi, pembenahan infrastruktur dasar, dan pemberantasan korupsi.

VALUTA ASING 2012: Dolar AS kuat dan bertahan

VALUTA ASING 2012: Dolar AS kuat dan bertahan: Small_dollar__3_
JAKARTA: US Dollar Index telah menguat 13% dari rekor terendah Maret 2008 setelah The Fed mempertahankan suku bunga di sekitar nol% dan mencetak uang tunai untuk membeli obligasi US$2,3 miliar. Meskipun Standard & Poor menanggalkan rating AAA bagi AS pada Agustus, investor melihat AS sebagai tempat berlindung dari lambatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi global dan krisis utang negara Eropa.

Pertumbuhan ekonomi belum perhitungkan krisis ekonomi global

Pertumbuhan ekonomi belum perhitungkan krisis ekonomi global: Small_dsc_5652
JAKARTA: Perkiraan pertumbuhan sebesar 6,7% pada 2012 sebenarnya belum memperhitungkan kondisi yang terburuk dari dampak perlambatan ekonomi global. Deputi Bidang Ekonomi Bappenas Prasetijono Widjojo mengaku perkiraan pertumbuhan sebesar 6,7% pada 2012 sebenarnya belum memperhitungkan kondisi yang terburuk dari dampak perlambatan ekonomi global.

OUTLOOK EKONOMI 2012: Bappenas ramalkan kinerja ekspor melemah

OUTLOOK EKONOMI 2012: Bappenas ramalkan kinerja ekspor melemah: Small_dsc_0044a
JAKARTA: Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional hanya menargetkan pertumbuhan ekspor sebesar 10,2% dari Produk Domestik Bruto pada 2012, menurun dari proyeksi 2011 yang mencapai 15,4%. Menteri Negara Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/ Kepala Bappenas Armida Alisjahbana mengatakan melambatnya pertumbuhan perdagangan global mulai berdampak pada ekspor Indonesia.

Mewaspadai Dampak Perlambatan Perdagangan Dunia

Mewaspadai Dampak Perlambatan Perdagangan Dunia: DAMPAK negatif perlambatan ekonomi dunia sudah mulai terasa melalui jalur perdagangan internasional. Ekspor Indonesia pada November 2011 yang mencapai USD16,92 miliar turun sebesar 0,2 persen dibandingkan Oktober.

Infrastrukur Masih Jadi Masalah MP3EI di 2012

Infrastrukur Masih Jadi Masalah MP3EI di 2012: Infrastruktur masih menjadi masalah utama dalam proyek Masterplan Percepatan Perluasan Pembangunan Ekonomi Indonesia (MP3EI) di 2012 adalah infrastrukur.

BKPM buru investasi Rp283,5 triliun pada 2012

BKPM buru investasi Rp283,5 triliun pada 2012: Small_batubara__12_
JAKARTA : Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal akan memburu sektor pangan, energi, dan infrastruktur untuk merealisasikan target investasi yang mencapai Rp283,5 triliun pada 2012. Direktur Deregulasi BKPM Indra Darmawan menuturkan akan berupaya meraih investasi dari tiga sektor inti, yakni industri pangan, energi dan infrastruktur sebagai upaya untuk menggerakkan sektor lain.

Kinerja industri nasional digenjot

Kinerja industri nasional digenjot: Small_img_9783
JAKARTA: Pemerintah akan menggenjot kinerja industri nasional dengan menerapkan kebijakan dan upaya strategis sehingga tetap bertumbuh pada 2012 meski menghadapi krisis finansial dunia. Menperin MS Hidayat mengatakan pada 2011, industri nasional memperlihatkan pertumbuhannya.

PANIN SEKURITAS: Indeks bisa tembus 4.428--4.505

PANIN SEKURITAS: Indeks bisa tembus 4.428--4.505: Small_investas-an__1_
JAKARTA: Tim Riset PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk memprediksi indeks harga saham gabungan (IHSG) dapat mencapai 4.428--4.505 pada akhir tahun ini. Berdasarkan riset yang diterima hari ini, 4 Januari 2012, indeks utama domestik itu diprediksi akan tumbuh sebesar 15%--17% dari posisi akhir tahun lalu.

FPD DPR optimistis target pertumbuhan 6,7 persen terpenuhi

FPD DPR optimistis target pertumbuhan 6,7 persen terpenuhi: Fraksi Partai Demokrat (FPD) DPR, sebagai partai pendukung uatama pemerintah, menyatakan optimis, bahawa target pertumbuhan ekonomi pada 2012 sebesar 6,7 persen yang dicanangkan pemrintah akan terpenuhi, karena didudung fundmental ekonomi yang kuat, kata Ketua FPD DPR Mohammad Jafar Hafsah dalam keterangan tertulisnya menyambut tahun 2012 di Jakarta, Selasa.

12 Predictions for Small Business in 2012

USA: 12 Predictions for Small Business in 2012: From Barry Moltz:
What kind of year will it be for small business? It may not matter if some experts on the Mayan Calendar are correct and the world ends on December 21, 2012. But as I look into the glow of my iPhone, here are my predictions and what it means for every small business owner.

Monday, January 2, 2012

8 Reasons You'll Get Buried Alive Without Quality Content

8 Reasons You'll Get Buried Alive Without Quality Content:
marketing strategy1On last week's episode of The Marketing Update, the marketing tip of the week was special. It took into account all the marketing news throughout 2011 and boiled it down to one main takeaway: Create quality content. And while we can discuss the importance of quality content 'til the cows come home, we'd like to provide some reasons why quality is so important. Perhaps that way, you can truly kick-start your 2012 marketing strategy with some inspiration to get your business blogging into full swing.

What 2011 Indicated

The Fundamentals Of Socially Responsible Business

The Fundamentals Of Socially Responsible Business: From Tom Harnish:
Sustainability is a hot button topic today. Even venture capital firms are betting on corporate social responsibility (CSR), as the broader topic is called. People are building on, and buying into, the premise that businesses are part of society and have a responsibility to create a better future.

5 Guerrilla Marketing Strategies We Hope To See In 2012 [OPINION]

5 Guerrilla Marketing Strategies We Hope To See In 2012 [OPINION]: This past year we’ve seen some really creative and unique guerrilla marketing examples. New marketing strategies such as the use of QR codes, augmented reality and 3D projection mappingonly touched a small portion of what we can do as guerrilla marketers. Being that the Mayan’s prediction that the world would end in 2012, I think [...]

For 2012, Signs Point to Little Gain in Consumer Spending

For 2012, Signs Point to Little Gain in Consumer Spending: Although retail sales have remained relatively strong, high levels of consumer debt make it unlikely that rapid growth will help power economic expansion.

5 Tips For Managing Overwhelm and Overload

5 Tips For Managing Overwhelm and Overload: Are you feeling a little over cooked? There can be so many things shouting for our attention it can make your hair stand on end. Having so much STUFF coming at us all the time can make you feel really tense. It can be a source of some of the paralysis that so many solo...

S&P 500 to Fall 30-50% in 2012, Harry Dent Says

S&P 500 to Fall 30-50% in 2012, Harry Dent Says: Dec. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Harry Dent, founder of economic advisory firm HS Dent and author of "The Great Crash Ahead," and Bloomberg Businessweek's Peter Coy talk about the U.S. economy and investing. They speak with Pimm Fox on Bloomberg Television's "Taking Stock." (Source: Bloomberg)