Monday, December 17, 2012

JOKOWI BERAKSI: 7 BUMD Dilibatkan Tata Kampung Kumuh

JOKOWI BERAKSI: 7 BUMD Dilibatkan Tata Kampung Kumuh: Compact_jokowi_kumuh
JAKARTA--Pemprov DKI menggandeng tujuh BUMD-nya melalui anggaran corporate social responsibility (CSR) untuk turut medanai penataan kampung kumuh mulai tahun depan.

Gubernur DKI Joko Widodo dalam sambutannya mengatakan selain BUMD, pendanaan diharapkan dapat diperoleh pula melalui BUMN, perusahaan swasta, maupun developer.

“Kalau hanya mengandalkan dari APBD DKI, proses ini akan membutuhkan waktu yang sangat panjang. Saya mengajak pihak lain untuk terlibat, yang mendapatkan keuntungan dari Jakarta, dapat berbagi pada yang kecil,” tuturnya di Balai Kota, Jakarta, Senin (17/12).

Menurutnya, kesenjangan antara kaya-miskin, mampu-tidak mampu, terlihat sangat mencolok di Jakarta. Sebab itu, perlu ada penataan untuk mengatasi kesenjangan yang ada.

Jokowi sebelumnya sempat menyebutkan dana yang dibutuhkan untuk penataan satu kampung sekitar Rp30-40 miliar. Selain mencakup pembangunan rumahnya, dalam proses penataan tersebut juga akan dibangun berbagai infrastruktur lainnya seperti MCK, ruang interaksi sosial, dan ruang terbuka hijau.

Pada kesempatan itu, Pemprov DKI menjalin kerja sama dengan PT Jasindo, PT Deon Media Indonesia, PT Bank DKI, PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol, PT Jakarta Propertindo, PD Pembangunan Saran Jaya, dan PT Jakarta Industrial Pulogadung.

Sampai 2011, Direktori Kumuh Badan Pusat Statistik mencatat masih terdapat 392 perkampungan kumuh yang tersebar di DKI Jakarta.

Meskipun begitu, Kepala Dinas Perumahan dan Gedung Pemerintahan DKI Novizal menuturkan jumlah tersebut sudah berkurang dibandingkan kondisi pada 2004 dengan jumlah 640 RW kumuh, dan 2008 (416 RW kumuh).

Adapun RW kumuh di Jakarta, paling banyak terdapat di kawasan Jakarta Utara dengan jumlah 96 RW. Kemudian di Jakarta Barat (92 RW), Jakarta Timur (75 RW), Jakarta Pusat (63 RW), Jakarta Selatan (60 RW), dan Kepulauan Seribu (6 RW).

Menurut Novizal, dalam program penataan kampung, yang menjadi sasaran utama adalah kampung-kampung kumuh yang ada di Jakarta. meskipun begitu, sampai saat ini belum ditentukan kampung mana saja.

Proses penataan, jelasnya, akan dilakukan berdasarkan pengusulan dari kelompok masyarakat dalam satu kampung. Dari proposal yang diajukan, akan dilakukan proses evaluasi, sampai kemudian ditentukan apakah kampung tersebut memang membutuhkan penataan atau tidak.  (if)

10 Ways to Make your Business More Tech-Savvy

10 Ways to Make your Business More Tech-Savvy: No matter what industry you work in, you have to get with the times and get with the technology. You have to start working using 21st century business models and equipment, and yes, that means technology.… Click here to continue »

Sunday, December 16, 2012

5 Trends Defining the World of Work and Leadership in 2013

5 Trends Defining the World of Work and Leadership in 2013: Grab a glass of eggnog and let’s settle down to speculate about which trends will drive the world of leadership and work in 2013. Sure, everyone’s prognosticating at this time of year, while also reflecting back on what they expected of 2012 – what happened, and where their spidey-sense came up short. So why not me?

Hot Franchise Trends For 2013

Hot Franchise Trends For 2013:   What’s hot in franchising for 2013?   What is the franchise business landscape going to look like? When the heck are small business lenders going to lend? And, when will soon-to-be-billionaire celebrities stop causing mass protests before, during, and after franchise business grand opening celebrations?   News Update: The Recession Is Over The franchise industry-like [...]

17 Macro Surprises For 2013

17 Macro Surprises For 2013: Just as Byron Wien publishes his 10 surprises for the forthcoming calendar year, Morgan Stanley has produced a heady record of seventeen macro surprises throughout all nations around the world they cover that depict plausible attainable outcomes that would stand for a meaningful surprise to the prevailing consensus. From the...

5 Common LinkedIn Mistakes

5 Common LinkedIn Mistakes:
LinkedIn is gaining more and more importance in the job search and career development. Here are five common LinkedIn mistakes people make.
The post 5 Common LinkedIn Mistakes appeared first on CAREEREALISM.

Five Marketing Tactics for 2013

Five Marketing Tactics for 2013:

2013 ResolutionsWe are a few weeks from the beginning of the new year and one of the things a business or website can do is make a new year's resolution to make their online presence better. For any website looking to improve their website traffic and sales, we offer five marketing tactics for 2013.

  1. Diversify your incoming traffic - There are too many website owners that come to us with big drops in web traffic due to Panda or Penguin. While, ever website should try and get SEO traffic, no website should be dependent upon simply Google to bring them traffic. Every website should have a healthy mix of traffic from social media and other websites with traffic links. This ensures you will not only have good SEO as social media and links add to high rankings, but another source of traffic if your rankings do drop.
  2. Start or restart your blog with the right keywords - Blogging is like taking vitamins. You know you should do it, but you forget about it or you simply do it incorrectly. Every website should have a blog, and it should be updated at least once a week. The blog should be on topics related to your website, so if you sell clothing, you should write about how to dress. Secondly, use the Google keyword tool to find keywords people are looking for already, to ensure you get traffic that already exists
  3. Get more links from more sources - Google is getting really good at sniffing out links that are automated and not genuine. So you need to be genuine in your link building strategies, which means issuing press releases, writing original one-time content for guest blogs, creating images that people can embed in their websites and participating and asking for links at any event you attend. 
  4. Understand the anatomy of a keyword - One issue we see a lot is called over-optimization that triggers a Google Penguin penalty. This tactic is using the same keyword over and over again on your website so you can rank for one particular word. Understanding the anatomy of a keyword can prevent over optimization. For example looking at SEO Services, we would use anchor texts like best SEO services, Princeton SEO Services, or SEO Services for business. All of the keywords have a root of SEO Services, but they are all different in their anchor text (what's linked) so they don't trip up any Penguin issues and you end having a wider variety of keywords.
  5. Know your reputation online - Everyone has at one point or another Googled themselves. What people find can either be self satisfying or a bit of a shock. Getting a handle on your online reputation can ensure what you see when you Google yourself is what other people see as well.

Getting a marketing plan together in late 2012 is a great way to start 2013 on a great note so you can kill it in the new year. 

Term Reference: 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Free eBook: “The Practitioner’s Guide to Social Influencer Engagement: A collaborative work of industry peers”

Free eBook: “The Practitioner’s Guide to Social Influencer Engagement: A collaborative work of industry peers”: Reblogged from Beyond PR: The terms “social networks” and “social media” make it easy to forget that people – more than a billion of them worldwide – are the means by which conversations propagate and ideas spread.  Smart communicators factor the human element into the communications plans they develop and the content they create. Every [...]

Friday, December 7, 2012

Vote Now for the Top Tech Innovations of 2012

Vote Now for the Top Tech Innovations of 2012:

Vote now for the best innovations of 2012 in Mashable’s Innovation Index!

Help us celebrate the best products, apps and gadgets of 2012, in 15 categories.

A special thanks to our curators, industry leaders who picked five nominations for their respective categories.

Voting closes Dec. 10, when Mashable will announce the winners of the 2012 Innovation Index.
Click here to view this gallery.

Check out the top gadgets, apps and tools of 2012, as selected by our Innovation Index Curators.
More About: Innovation Index, Innovation Index 2012, features, mashable

YouTube’s 20 Most-Viewed Ads of 2012

YouTube’s 20 Most-Viewed Ads of 2012:

1. My Time is Now (Nike)

The second-biggest sporting event of the year next to the Olympics was probably soccer's Euro 2012, which explains why this ad was the most viewed. The commercial is filled with big soccer stars like Ronaldo, Iniesta, Ribery or Neymar, who are challenged by group of unknown players who invade a stadium in the middle of a game between France and the Netherlands.
Click here to view this gallery.

2012 is coming to an end and it's time to recap the 20 most-viewed ads on YouTube this year. It was a big year for sports and car commercials. In fact, almost all these ads feature a sports star or a car, or both, and many of them were broadcast during the Super Bowl.
The most-viewed commercial was a Nike ad featuring some of the biggest soccer stars in the world going up against a huge crowd of unknown players. Volkswagen continued its successful series of Star Wars-themed ads and Old Spice somehow placed four commercials in the Top 20.
Our friends at Think With Google compiled this list. Watch all 20 ads in the gallery above.
More About: online advertising, online marketing

Your Social Media Marketing Checklist for 2013

Your Social Media Marketing Checklist for 2013:

As you prepare your goals for 2013, don't forget these important social media strategies for your business.
More About: corporate social media, social media marketing, tips